With a view that children of the tribal area may get education along with Samskaras, Swami Shri Harivallabhdasji Guru Swami Shri Krishnaswaroopdasji decided that a Gurukul may be established in Dharampur- the famous place of pilgrimage of Swaminarayan Sampradaya, but there was no sufficient land available in Dharampur for the Gurukul. Therefore there was an immediate requirement to obtain a building on rent and for that purpose with the help of Shri Bhanushankar Joshi Saheb-Pardi and Devu Maharaj of Mota Paundha, Shri Hemantbhai and Devangbhai both the sons of Shri Kantibhai Kansara, the famous social worker of Dharampur were requested to allot on rent their building and they granted permission to start a school in the shopping centre.
In the first year, Balmandir and standard 1 were started with 150 students. Observing the development of Shri Swaminarayan School, Dharampur, the social worker of Dharampur Shri Ramsinhbha Parmar and his both the sons Dr.Vikramsinh Parmar and Dr.Vijaysinh Parmar donated precious land admeasuring 7 Gunthas and 30 Guntha (with token price to construct school building) situated in Ramvadi situated on Dharampur-road to the institute in the name of their mother Shri Shantaba. The owner of the closed factory situated in the neighbour of Ramvadi, Shri Dilipbhai Sinrojia (Sinrojia Valsadwala) and his partners donated the said factory with a token price to the institute to construct a building suitable for a school. Today 400 students are taking quality-education and Samskaras in it.
There was no English medium school in Dharampur and therefore considering the trend and demand of the present time, since June 2003 an English Medium Primary School has also been started. The guardians and the trustees are constantly requesting the institute to expand the this school up to standard 12.