On the land of Dhasa junction situated at a distance of 20 kilometers from Gadhpur, which has been sanctified by the dust-particles from the lotus-like feet of Shriji Maharaj and Nand-saints, a temple was built by Shastri Dharmviharidasji (Vedantacharya, Grammarian and Sahitya-Ratna) about 20 years ago. Shastriji used to teach Sanskrit to the saints in Gadhda and had been rendering his services as an Editor of ‘Shree Swaminarayan Dharm-Siddhanta’ monthly magazine. During that time and acceding to the request of the local people of the area, a Gurukul was started in the year 1991 through the medium of Shri Sahjanand Education Service Centre Trust.
First of all Shri Harikrishna Balmandir was started wherein more than 100 little students took admission. Right from the beginning the institute had made the arrangement for the school bus for the children. Due to natural atmosphere and facilities of the Balmandir the number of the students started rising and the guardians and parents were completely satisfied with the performance and efforts of the Balmandir. Therefore, Shri Shastriji also started a Primary School. Gradually the Gurukul became very famous in the region due to its quality education coupled with noble values and Samskaras. Thereafter highschool, hostel, computer class, music class etc. were also started. By keeping just a nominal subscription for the poor and needy students of the region, Shastriji started various complexes. Today about 600 students are availing the benefit of education in the Gurukul.
Many times the students do not like to go away from the school experiencing its divine atmosphere and qualitative food and education. The Gurukul has been progressing gradually. The result of the Gurukul in S.S.C. Board examination ranges between 95% to 100%. On the part of management young Shastri Aksharprakashdasji Swami has been taking utmost care and imparts education to the children through expert teachers.
In construction of various complexes and buildings of the institute, Kalyan Nivasi devotee Shri Harilalbhai Prabhudasbhia Tanna, the famour donor of Surat devotee Shri Dhanjibhai Naranbhai Dholakiya, devotee Shri Zaveri Prafulbhai of Mumbai, devotee Shri Ravaindrabhai Jethalal Miyani (Calcuttawala-cherising affection towards his native), the donor Sheth Shri Natubhai Sanghrajka of Mumbai and the industrialist and the devotee Shri Shyambhai R. Kataria have been constantly rendering their economic services.
The Lord Shree Swaminarayan has directed in ‘Shiksha-Partri’, to spread and expand noble activities and accordingly this institute is always at work for the development and upliftment of the children. Really saints are the real well-wishers of the society.
In spite of the fact that prices of every item and service are rising constantly, no school fees are taken from Brahmin students in the Gurukul. The rates of school bus fee and fee structure of the Gurukul have been kept nominal which is affordable to all. Due to many of its specialities, the fame of Dhasa Gurukul is spreading around. Shastriji has been working constantly following the principle: “Yield the fruits, as per your sow.”
Various religious, social and educational services are being undertaken by the Gurukul. In the activities like Dant-Yagna, Eye-camp, All diseases Diagnosis Camp, Collective Holy-Thread ceremony etc., the Gurukul is always in a leading position.
Last year, inauguration of the High school and Prayer-Hall was celebrated with great enthusiasm by H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj of VadtalPitha.
The Trustee-mandal of the institute comprises of Shastri Swami Dharmviharidasji (Managing Trustee), Shastri Aksharprakashdasji, Shri Prafulbhai Shankarlal Zaveri, Shri nathabhai Mohanbhai Savaliya, Shri Nagjibhai Laxmanbhai Kalthiya, Shri Bhagwandas M. Patel, Shri Dhanjibhai Naranbhai Dholakiya, Shri Harilalbhai Prabhudasbhai Tanna, Shri Ravindrabhai Jethalal Miyani, Shri Himatbhai Kalyanbhai Balar and Shri Shyambhai R. Kataria and they are all rendering their best and utmost services for the development of the institute.