The Lord Shri Swaminarayan sent a message of ‘Welfare to all’ to the world. He himself toiled hard to remove all the evils, miseries, unhappiness and poverty of the people of the society. Not only himself but also his saints and devotees have been following the same path of social service.
Considering the service to the society, Sadguru Shastri Swami Gaulokviharidasji established ‘Shri Sahjanand Parivar Trust’ and performed Bhoomi-Poojan in the year 2001 in Jambuva. An ambitious task of construction work of a huge building was undertaken which is still going on. For the facilities of the pilgrims and visitors there would be Prayer Hall, computer classes, Old-age shelter, Medical Care Centre, Yatrik Hall, Saint Nivas, Library, Bhojanalaya, Water-room, Towers etc. would be constructed.
A colossal task has been undertaken by this little saint. Maximum time of Shastriji is spent behind Mahapooja and the Lord takes care of His Own work. This institute has been rendering social service of free of cost education to the poor children, runs a clinic at concessional rate and also arranges various types of medical camps at regular interval. Thus, the institute has been rendering maximum services to the society and Satsang. |