The society has been looking at Gurukul for nurturing and preserving of human values and values of life. This Gurukul perform the task of nation building by character building in its real sense. Therefore, the educationists tell about Gurukul; “Gurukul means nursery of human society”. By not keeping its self interest in the centre, this gurukul has undertaken the colossal task of development of the society by keeping welfare of the humanity at its heart. The society has subsisted the Samprayada and in turn the saints have built the society. They are just like two sides of the one coin.
The humble and selfless saint Shri Dharmacharandas Swami took Parshad Diksha in Samvat 2014 from his Guru Param Vandaniya Shri Harikrishnadasji, who is the guide for Swaminarayan Sanskar Dham, Gurukul, Jetpur. Thereafter he took Tyagi Shiksha it Sarangpur and then performed various kinds of works by taking interest while staying in Jetpur Madir. He rendered noble service to the Samprayada by moving around in the villages for agricultural work service to the cows and propaganda of Satsang. By getting constructed Hari Mandir in villages he spread satsang. Thereafter, while rendering his services to the Samprayada at Bagasara, Jetpur and Navagadh, he established Hari Mandir in Navagadh.
In the year 1995 the registration of Gurukul Trust was done. The construction works of the complex is still going on at present by taking deep interest in the institute, he has been supervising the students as well as Gaushala. Today the institute has become a center of educational, cultural, social and spiritual activities and has been spreading its fragrance in Jetpur.
If any country has to be strengthen and coloured with feeling of nationalism then education is a very importance medium to achieve the goal.
To achieve over all development of the students in real sense by constructing the best educational complex in the society, is a very important task. The country whose future citizens remain devoid of education, cannot progress at all. It is our fundamental duty to prepare a civilized and well cultured generation by imparting in children education with love being equivalent to his family and by developing personality.
It is a matter of concerned to have character building of high caliber while developing well habit, modesty and discipline in the young generation. In order to ensure building of human values and in men so that they can live peacefully and happily in the society, spiritual education is essential alongwith traditional education. This spiritual education is possible only to Yoga and Bhakti. Today the man has become alone in this world which is devoid of peace. At this time, Sansakaras and education coupled with spiritual knowledge which is being provided by the Gurukul would prove to be a blessing.
Future plan of the Institute :-
In future the institute aims to spread its purview of education upto high secondary and college level. Simultaneously, it is also planned to start modern hospital to render services to the poor patients of the society. It is a long term aim of the Gurukul to start various activities like Yog Shibir, Diagnosis of veterinary diseases alongwith spiritual guidance, medical camp, distribution of butter milk centre for the economically backward class and Blood Bank. By providing guidance of expert doctors in respect of pediatric diseases, the Gurukul thanks to provide long term health to the children to achieve all this goal Shastri Swami Premswaroopdasji and Swami Hariprasaddasji are taking pains. |