By following the directions of the Lord Shri Swaminarayan, the supporter of noble conduct, noble knowledge and Sanskara, about “Welfare to all” contained in the ‘Shikshapatri’ created in the latter half of the 18th Century, Santvarya Sadguru Ghanshyamprakashdasji Swami took vow to spread the message in the country as well as in abroad.
This saint having short body structure took a giant step in the filed of social service by establishing Shri Swaminarayan Gurukul at Village, Kandari, Taluka Karjan, Dist. Vadodara situated near National Highway No. 8 and thereby started Tapsadhna of social service.
This place was realized with the support of the Satsangi and a residential school was started which was a blessing for the people of the middle and poor sections of the society. Many children who had been either children of the widows or were deserted by their parents, took the pride of getting admission in the Gurukul and thereby to start taking modern education as well as spiritual knowledge. Though the students were from middle and lower middle class, they broad glory to the institute as an ideal institute by obtaining 100% result in S.S.C. board. At present, about 300 students are studying from Standard 6 to 10. The institute takes pride in providing free education and residential facility to about 100 poor students. The students of the institute are also active in various co-curricular activities like music, cultural programme, Raas, Nritya etc.
Besides education the institute is also always ready in the field of social service. Be it assistants for Kargil or rescue work during earthquake the institute has rendered its services courageously. Since, the institute is aimed at spiritual goal by arranging Satsang Sabha, Shakotsav, Bhramsatra and Parivar Sabha, the institute has provided guidance to thousands of Satsangi Hari Bhaktas. By organizing ‘Panchbdi Mahotsav’in the social field at the threshold of the end of the 20th Century and beginning of the 21st Century, the institute has made a leap bound progress in the field.
Today the Managing Trustree Pujya Pad Shastriji Swami and other 35 saints are working days and nights for the progress of the institute. As the 1st Branch of Institute it has also acquired a peace of land in the city of Vadodara wherein in future education complex like school and hostel would be constructed. The institute has been rendering its unique services in the social field and in the Sampradaya which one witnesses when one gets a glimpse of Loyadham;
Introduction of Loyadham :-
The divine words of ‘Vachanamrit’ still echo in the pious place of pilgrimage Loyadham, which has been sanctified by Parbrahma Swaminarayan and 500 Param Hansas, which has been Karmabhumi of the Bhaktaraj Surakhachar and which is the birth place of Shakotsav. But from the geographic point of view or from the point of view of Vastushastra, we cannot take pride of the place Hari Bhaktas residing in both the Desh and abroad should render their services with money mind and body for the development of this place of pilgrimage. After Gadhpur, importance of this place is the highest Param Pujya Shri Shastri Shri Hariprakashdasji Swami (Gandhinagar) granted a golden opportunity of service to the Guruil of Kandari to preserve the temple and the places of Prasadi situated in this dham which was a dream of Aksharniwasi Brahmnishth purani Shri Hariprasaddasji Swami.
Param Pujya Sadguru Shastriji Ghanshyamprakashdasji Swami has started a selfless Yagna of service by reviving the glorious past of Brahamanand of Shakotsav, Brahmnand of ‘Vanchanamrit’ and Brahmaheli of saints and bhaktas. If the satsangis look at the distance past they may understand the importance of Loyadham and thereby this place of pilgrimage will shine in the Sampradaya like the star of Dhruv.
A primary school Gaushala and a lake have already been constructed in Loyadham. Moreover, two marble carved umbrellas have also been made ready and still other works are in progress.