With the noble idea of the devotee Shri Jitendrabhai C Shelat, inspiration of Param Pujya Purani Swami Jagatprasaddasji, with blessings of the Guru and saints and also in order to realize the message of the Lord Swaminarayan of “welfare to all”, in the year 1987 Sadguru Shastri Swami Laxmiprasaddasji established Shri Swaminarayan Sarva Mangal Trust. A secondary school was started in Kansa with the help and support of the trustees and the donors. Every year the institute achieved 86 to 92% result in S.S.C. and thereby became ‘A’ Grade School at District Level. Throbbing with various activities like computer, karate and other cultural activities, Shri Swaminarayan Gurukul, Kansa has completed 20 years.
Being good citizens and real patriots, thousands of students of the institute take interest in its development. The institute is throbbing with various activities which remind us of Rishikul.
Various Sections of the Institute :-
Shri S.K. Patel Swaminarayan Vidyalaya :- Shri Sakalchand Kalidas Patel Swaminarayan Vidyalaya was started in the year 1990 with the help of Shri Visnagar Majoor Sahkari Mandli. Well qualified and experienced teachers provide education to the students in the school and therefore, the result of the school in S.S.C. remains at top at District Level. Furthermore, the students of the school also lead at District Level as regards obtaining Scholarship in examination and other cultural activities.
Shri Swaminarayan Gaushala :- Since the year 1991 about 10 cows, which have the status of ‘Mother’ in Indian Culture, are served in the Gaushala of the institute. The milk is used for the children of the institute.
Shri Swaminarayan Vyayam Mahavidyalaya :- Students of the whole North Gujarat had to go to the neighboruing State Maharastra to pursue physical education courses like C.P.Ed. and B.P.Ed. by giving huge donation. Considering these aspects Shri L.M. Shastri, the managing trustee of the institute, obtained permission for the above said college wherein today about 140 students are taking education of the best quality every year.
Shri Swaminarayan Computer Centre :- Knowledge of computer is essential in the present age and therefore, education of computer is given through expert computer instructor by taking nominal fees, which is affordable to the parents of the middle class.
The Trustees Shri B.L. Shastri, Shri B.K. Patel, Shri Ghanshyambhai C. Patel and Dineshbhai and Bagadiya are taking pains for the development of the institute. |