Dear Sons And Daughters
Each And Every young the creator Of Umbers assumes different forms like God,Ishwar Divine soul Avatar to decline on this global surface. It is a matter of great pride and glory for Indians that he selects the holy land of India for his unique manifestation...Of worships of admiration...always in India where the sun and the moon rise up first. Bharat is the holy land on earth. Gujrat is the garden Of India and charotar is the nandnvan of Gujrat.Nar is gokul Of charotar.
Your are most blessed for living of heavenly blessed bhoomi,a land such a land such as united states of America,Canada,United Kingdom, Africa etc.and I must say in a land of opportunities it is fact that each and every person has sweet,unexplicit feelings for matrubhoomi. And A dream to do something for matrubhoomi. Tears flood out from their eyes each time they think of thought cross in their minds for matrubhoomi.
Now it is time to introduce my self, me. I am your motherland’s Matrubhomi Nar.A call of Gokul a call for Gokul is my call. It is my inspiring invitation to you all, my sons and daughters to be part of history, which is happening now. By donations your time of your money and good wishes
Let me introduce Gokul.Gokul has a school...a Gurukul named Tathastu... an English medium school from K.G. To high school. Teachers with brilliance in their own field of knowledge for education. Classrooms with full facillities, full of sunlight and air. Surrounded by good clean pleasant environment...
Has a Gaushala.. Where will be care of best cows from Gir....
Has an Heaven for senior citizens named "Eti Sidham"of Nar with best healthy food, neat and clean rooms with senatorial attachment and best nursing...
Has an Ashram for students, a hostel with all necessary requirements to have best study...
Has an Atithibhuban...a Guesthouse, a home away from their home for guests from here and abroad of Gokul...
Have an Bhojnalay a facility of lodging for students, visitors and guest. Gokul is the holy residence for our resident saint.
Gokul has a Hospital with best facilities to get treatment for any sickness, injuries and maternity purpose and problems, eyes and ears problems by specialist and also in time of Emergency treatments.
Thank you very much.
Very Truly yours.
Nar.Your Janambhumi (Gokul).