With the inspiration of the learned Sanyasi Swami Atmanandji Saraswati of Surat, and noble financial assistance of Shree Bhavanji and donation of land as well as financial assistance from his companions,’Tapovan Brahmcharya Ashram’ was established in the year 1989. Thereafter Sanskrit Pathshala. Social services like Gaushala were started. While returning to Surat Swami Atmanandji Saraswati started ‘Ayurvedic Pharmacy’. Since it was not convenient for the trustees to run the administration of Nasik, Brahmchari Swami Balkrishnanandji of Shree Swaminarayan Sampradaya and resident of Junagadh was called and he was handed over the administration of the institute./ with his hard work and Tyaga, he developed the institute. Coincidentally Sadguru Shastri Swami Hariprasaddasji’ disciple Purani Gyanjivandasji came to Nazik for study of Sanskrit. During the same period health of Brahmchari Swami deteriorated, Gyanpurani served Brahmchari Swami with body mind and money. Being pleased with his service trustee Sheth Shree Abhechandbhai Gandhi, Shankarbhai Patel, Chhotalal Solicitor and Chavda Sheth recommended about forty years back to hand over the administration of Nasik to him.
At that time condition of Nasik Ashram was very delicate and it was very difficult to run Pathshala and Gaushala. Yat Gyanpurani Swami started slow but steady progress with the blessings of his Guru, co-operation of his colleagues and his hard work, expertise and knowledge.
First of all he acquired agricultural land from the farmers and rejuvenated agriculture, constructed a new Gaushala and brought new cows. He speeded up the works of development after obtaining pleasure of Satsang by narrating Katha, Stories, Bhajan and Kirtan. He got constructed Saint-Kutir, Saint-dham, General Hospital, Bhagwat Hall etc. in the premises. During the same time with the donation from Sheth Shree Gandhi and noble Parekh family of Mumbai one Yatrik Bhavan with all the facilities Shree Swaminarayan Dharmshala was constructed and Shree Swaminarayan Temple was also construted.
With the donations and financial help from the devotees of Mumbai, Pune, Malegam and Nasik the institute progressed a lot in the course of time. Considering the demand of the time Sheth of Kalaniketan of Mumbai helped to constructed a Bhojanalaya. Not only that, for the purpose of education, Sheth Shree Shantilal Venilal family of Mumbai got a school building from Balmandir, Primary School and High School in the memory of their parents.
Since long meals and buttermilk are provided by the institute to the local common public. For Bhagwat Hall of this institute, Sonawala Sheth of Mumbai has donated liberally wherein a number of Satsang activities and social works are undertaken.
A free Anna-Kshetra was run by the institute with the help of the devotees during the last Kumbha-Mela wherein thousands of devotees and Sadhu Mahatmas availed the benefit of Prasad with Dakshina.
In spite of a number of difficulties, above said works have been completed with the grace of the Lord Swaminarayan and blessings of Guru Shree Shastri Swami, Brahmchari Maharaj and co-operation of the devotees. With an expectation of special assistance of the religion and education loving devotees, the institute aims to expand its activities in the fields of education and social work. |