With the grace of the saints and pleasures of the devotees, ‘Shree Swaminarayan :Bhakti Sevasharam Trust, Rajkot’ was registered in the year 1990. With the noble and pious feelings in their hearts, the devotees Shree Naranbhai Kachrabhai Patel and his wife Smt. Lalitaben Naranbhai Patel belonging to the tradition of worship of Dadaguru and having understanding of Satsang and education, donated land admeasuring 2 acres and situated in Mavdi area of Rajkot to Swaminarayan Bhakti Sevashram Trust and thereby obtained the pleasure of the saints.
Bhoomi-Poojan was performed on this land on Vasant Panchmi-Shiksha Patri Jayanti in the year 1991 and thereby the foundation stone of the institute was laid. Young age of the founder and absence of Guruji caused a number of difficulties including financial sources. In spite of this, due to blessing of Guruji, mercy of the Almighty God and hard work of the devotees, a small building with three-four rooms could be constructed wherein classes of standards 1 to 4 were started.
In the year 1993, one Bhagwat Katha was organized for the benefit of the institute. As a result thereof the donor of Rajkot devotee Shree Zaveri Aksharnivasi Shantilal Haribhai Parikh (Calcuttawala) and his son Prabhudasbhai Parekh (Shilpa Jewellers) Rajkotwala, declared full donation for construction of the building of the school. Furthermore for construction of the building of the Balmandir, leading Satsangi of Rajkot Shree Muljibhai Nanjibhai Patni also declared huge amount of donation. Due to such small and big other donations, the foundation of the Gurukul was strengthened. The saints were encouraged and boosted to advance the activities of the Gurukul. In the course of time, by holding Ayurvedic Camps and performing social activities congenial to the society, construction of the building for the hostel and school started in the institute. As a result thereof, secondary school and hostel were started in the year 1997 by the institute.
The main objective of the institute is to impart education. At present P.T.C. College has been started and efforts are going on in the direction of starting new courses as well as B.Ed. college after obtaining necessary permission from the government.
Students learning English language find it easier to perform social activities and business of the country and abroad. There is importance of English language in the society and therefore, considering the requirement of starting an English medium school in Mavdi Plot area of Rajkot, a planning has been made to start an English medium school whose benefit can be availed even by the students of middle class and labour class as well as upper class of the society. For this purpose, the leader of Shree Parjiya Soni Samaj and devotee donor Shree Hirachandbhai Bhagwanjibhia Vatha (Babubhai) has got constructed the main gate and building of the school. In the said building, at present classes of Senior K.G. and standard 1 to 7 (English Medium) have been started in the name of the wife of Babubhai Parajiya Soni Shree Shantaben Hirachandbhai Vatha Primary School.
The young saint, who is the founder and managing director of the institute, has support and co-operation of all kind from the trustees. The elder saints Sadguru Kothari Swami Harikrishnadasji of Gotri and Purushottamdasji Swami of Zundall are constantly inspiring the young saint. In order to realize the goals of the institute, inspiration of the saints of the Sampradaya and the dignitaries is constantly received.
Trustee Mandal, disciple of Shastriji Swami Bhaktipriyadasji and swami Jagdishprakashdasji etc. young saints are taking pains to advance the Gurukul successfully which is active for the last 12 years.
The ultimate goal of this institute is to perform the works and activities of social service and education while remaining faithful to Shree Swaminarayan Mandir, Junagadh and also adhering to the principles laid down by the Lord Shree Swaminaryan. |