For many years Sadguru Pujay Bhandari Swami Nandkishordasji had shouldered the responsibility of Bhandar of Shri Swaminaryan Temple Junagadh and had offered meals to the saints and the Hari Bhaktas who used to visit temple at any time. Swamiji tried to realize the direction of Sahjanand Swami i.e. “if we have obtained knowledge we should impart the same to others” and thereby tried to realize the famous saying: “Sa Vidya Ya Vimuktaye”.
Swami believed that if a hungry man gets food he remains satisfied for 8 to 10 years but anything which can satisfy him for the whole life, then it is knowledge - education.
Pujya Bhandari Swami was not so learned an educated and perhaps it was the reason that he had great liking and inclination for learning. To fulfill the desire, for years he had kept so many students with him and had helped them to get more education. As a result thereof, a mature thought can to his mind that an educational institute may be established wherein students of weaker of the society can also get education free of cost alongwith other students who can pay the fees for their education.
In order to realize the idea one education and charitable trust was established and though very precious land was available in donation at a key place, the trust preferred to establish a school in Rajula which is a socially and economically backward area. Accordingly an educational institute named the Swaminarayan Gurukul Primary School, Rajula, was started. With the blessing of Shriji Maharaj and Pujya Bhandari Swami and with the hard work of the trustee saints and the teaching staff this institute is growing into a big shady tree with any big donation.
A Sabha of the local leaders was called in before starting the educational institute in Rajula wherein one gentleman had asked about the fee structure of education in the institute. In the reply the saints had stated that if any person decreases his habit of taking tobacco to the extent of one pan or masala in a day, the savings thereof would help him to educate his child in the institute and thereby a dual task of ‘study’ and ‘freedom from addiction’ laid down by Shriji Maharaj would be achieved.
History of Progress of the Institute :-
In the year 1991 an idea to start an educational institute came to Pujya Bhandari Swami Nandkishordasji.
- In June 1992, the trust was formed
- In 1993 / 1994 a survey was undertaken to ascertain the place to start the institute.
- In December, 1995 permission of the Government was obtained to start a primary school on finalization of the site and place.
- On 17.6.1996 school was established wherein education of Bal Mandir and Standard 1 to 4 was started.
- From December 1998 construction work of the building of the school was started
- In September 2000 education was started in the building of the school on completion of 8 classrooms.
- In June 2005 secondary school was started
At present the school has attained a prominent place in Rajula Area and about 850 students are taking qualitative education alongwith Sanskaras in the institute. |