Learned and devoted saints Pujya Shastri Swami Harivallabhdasji of Shri Swaminarayan Temple, Junagadh, spread Satsang in the village of the Junagadh and moved around for years and performed the task of services to the deity. Thereafter, he stayed in Shri Swaminarayan Temple, Rander in Surat, and by narrating Katha, Varta of Satsang beautifully won the hearts on Haribhaktas of Surat. During the period the heart of Pujya Swamiji was moved to witness the difficulties faced by the people for education the area. The real base of the society and the nation is on educational institute and therefore, Swamiji established Shri Swaminarayan H.V. Vidyalalya in Rander area and started education from Bal Mandir. Inspite of a number of difficulties and hurdles the institute has marched ahead with determination and today the education has reached upto post-graduate level. The institute has earned name and fame in the educational field and today it is considered one of the best educational institutes of Surat.
Specialties of the Institute :-
- Air Conditioned classrooms and comfortable chairs and tables for the students in each classroom.
- Modern white boards in each classrooms.
- Library well equipped with magazines and books of various field and a reading hall.
- Best education through expert teachers.
- As a base of information technology, education of computer.
- Knowledge of music by Sanatan Braham Sangit Vidyalaya.
- Hostel with all convenient arrangement for the students.
- Huge Bhojanalaya wherein 800 devotees can take wills together
- Beautiful Gaushala for fresh milk, curd, buttermilk and Ghee.
- Beautiful garden replete with natural beauty and a spacious playground.
- Facility of lodging and boarding for the pilgrims and the visitors.