The land of Saurashtra is replete with brave and courageous people, saints and satis. Learned, Tapnisths and famous saint Pandit Swami Dharmvallabhdasji made Vadia of Amreli district, a centre of his activities. Swami had an intense desire to do something in the fields of education and social service and to spread and to propagate religion. But it was a small village in a dry area. Moreover there were very less number of the devotees. Therefore after the hard work of a very long time, the foundation of the temple of the Lord Swaminarayan could be installed in Vadia. After Aksharvaas of Pandit Swami, his disciple Shree Ramkrishna Swami took over the task of construction of the temple. The construction work of the temple was completed. In order to fulfill the aim of Pandit Swami Dada-Guru, the young Kathakar and disciple Shastri Swami Anandswaroopdasji started the pillars of an educational institute.
With the blessings of Guruji and co-operation of all the saints, the descendent saint Mandal started in June 1994, a primary school with standards 1 to 4 with the name ‘Shree Pandit Swami Vidya Mandir’ under the control of Shree Radha-Ramandev Educational and Charitable Trust. In the course of time, secondary education was started from the year 1998 with ‘Shre Swaminarayan High School, Vadia’ and the institute progressed further.
In order to ensure that Thakorji gets fresh milk regularly and service to cows can be performed, the saints had been maintained the cows in the temple premises. It was arranged properly and a beautiful Gau-Shala was developed.
Satsang-Prachar-Prasar-Katha-Varta and Satsang Shibir are also arranged by Shree Swaminarayan temple Vadia in the nearby villages. In spite of having meager source of income, the institute has made its presence in various activities. Looking at the results of primary and secondary schools, the villagers demanded that the institute should also start a higher secondary school, which was enthusiastically accepted by the saints. And in the year 2002, the institute started higher secondary section in the school. Simultaneously ‘Shree Ghanshyam Balmandir’ was also started to ensure that the children incline towards education and they get basic education.
When education has made a rapid progress in the present age, how can we tolerate that our future generations remain devoid of the knowledge about science and technology? Recognizing the demand of time, the institution has also been providing free of cost computer education to the students of the school through computer classes run by the institute under the name ‘Shree Hari Computers’.
At present the institute has made available to the villager the facilities of education from Balmandir upto higher secondary school wherein the students of the nearby villages also come for getting education. The familiar Member of Parliament of Amreli Constituency Shree Dilipbhai Sanghani has provided financial support by allocating grant to the institute for the purpose of construction of building of the institute.
The institute is committed to its goal of overall development of its students. Every year various religious, national, social and educational festivals are celebrated in the institute. Now the institute has also the facilities of Science Hall, Industry Hall, Library etc. The modern building of the institute is on the verge of its completion.
In order to meet with the demands of time and society, the institute dreams to achieve new goals in the field of education and knowledge. The institute has been achieving one after the other goal in the course of time. The saints as well as the teachers are taking pains to develop noble qualities and value-based education in the students. |