With the noble objective of spreading the Message of ‘Sarva-Jiva-Hitavah’ of the Lord Swaminarayan and social, educational and spiritual upliftment of the society, Shastri Swami Laxmiprasaddasji established Shree Swaminarayan Sarva Mandal Trust in June 1986.
The noble aim was to impart Indian culture-specific and qualitative education to the children of the needy people residing in tribal areas. One noble work entails hundred difficulties, and yet with the services of all the three kinds (body, mind and money) from the devotee Shree Rajeshbhai N. Patel (Vaalamwala, at present in New Jersey) Managing Trustees Shree Laxmiprasad M. Shastri on 15th August 1999 and Trustee Shree Bhanuprasad L. Shastri during his visit of two-three months of America, delivered lectures, graced the houses of the devotees, and performed Maha-Pooja and inaugurations and thereby they spread Sadachar (noble way of life) which is free from all kinds of addictions. Thereafter they returned India, an idea struck to their minds to start an English Medium School (Shree Madhavdev Shastri Swaminarayan School) by the trust from June-2001 in the name of the Guruji Sadguru Swami Madhavprasad Devnandan Shastri.
In order to materialize this, the devotee Shree Bharatbhai Malde (Anchor Groupwala) offered his well-furnished residential house of Tithal road, Valsad, for two years. There a school started from Nursery. Since the institution had no land of its ownership, the trustee and famous devotee of Valsad Shree Kirtibhai S. Desai offered land admeasuring 1.25 acre situated in the peaceful area of Pallyhill at a very nominal rate as a token.Name of his mother was given in pre-primary school. After acquisition of the land, it was the noble concept of Swamiji that from June 2003, students may learn in the building of the institution. To materialize this idea, Trustee Shree Bhanuprasad L. Shastri, Shree Shaileshbhai R. Goti, Shree Ghanshyambhai L. Patel and the whole Trustee Mandal took great pain and just within three months building of the
institution well equipped with modern implements and facilities was made ready. Today 400 children are studying in the school. Gradually education would be made available till standard 12.
In the year 1997 Purani Swami Keshavcharandasji (Salvav-Vapi) had established Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul in Abrama-Valsad. Observing administrative efficiency of Shastri Swami Laxmiprasaddasji, the said Gurukul was also entrusted to him. Thereafter Shree C.R.Desai donated land to build secondary school. Shrimad Bhagwat Saptah was organized for the purpose of benefit of the educational complex and with the help of Shree C.R.Desai and members of his family, sufficient fund was raised for the purpose. From the said fund, school buses were purchased and construction of the second floor of the school and computer classes was done. Today more than 1100 students are taking education from Bal- Mandir till standard 10. Training for Yoga, Karate, Classical Music is also imparted to the students in the institute. Since 1997, Smt. Y.P.Doyal has been rendering her valuable services and guidance as a principal of the school and has been doing praiseworthy work. The institute aims to start Std.12 in Science Stream and Commerce Stream in recent future.