Sangh Parichay
Sampraday Parichay
Mukhya Mandir
Main NandSanto
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Temple's Phone Number
Gurukul's Address
Temple's Address
Gurukul Parichay

            Shree Swaminarayan temple situated in Muli- a village 22 kilometeres away from Surendranagar of Saurashtra region- is considered a model temple for the excellent art of sculpture, architecture and structural engineering exhibited by Sadguru Brahmanandswami. The shape and outward appearance of the temple was that of an aero-plane.

            Historically village Muli attained the status of a place of pilgrimage about five thousand years ago. During their journey from Mathua to Dwarka, Lord Shree Krishna and his elder brother Baldev had stayed in Muli. And therefore in history, Muli is considered to be the root of Dwarka. As and when Shriji Maharaj would come to Loya-Nagadka, he would grace the village Muli accepting the worship of the prince Rambhai of Muli state who was a man of noble character amongst Kathi devotees.

            In Vikram Samvat 1979 Darbar Shree Rambhai offered a huge piece of land for the purpose of construction of Shree Swaminarayan temple in Muli – the capital of the Muli state. Immediately Shriji Maharaj called for the divine idol-images of Shree Radha-Krishnadev from the village Loya. Shriji Maharaj instructed Sadguru Shree Brahmanand Swami to construct a beautiful temple as per His wish and then only he would take him to Akshardhaam. Brahmanand Swami understood the message of Shree Hari and got constructed a huge temple in spite of so many hurdles and technical difficulties as regards stones and underground water.

            In the central temple, idol-images of Shree Radha-Krishna and Harikrishna Maharaj are installed. To the right are the idol-images of Dharm-Bhakti, to the South idol-images of Ranchhodray-Trikamray and to the North the idol-images of Shankar-Parvati are installed. In Rup-Chowki situated to the West of the temple are the idol-images of Hanumanji and Ganpati. Huge Sabha-mandap situated to the South of the temple witnesses the great tradition of Satsang. To the West-North direction of the temple are situated the Lemon tree and a well of water of Prasadi. Outside the main gate of the temple is situated an ancient step-well constructed by Rajvi Alark the disciple of Datatreya wherein Shriji Maharaj has quite often taken a bath. Thus in this place there are situated so many places of Prasadi. A wooden Haveli decorated with beautiful carving in the wood is also one such place of Prasadi.