World-renowned temple of Shree Kastabhanjandev Hanumanji is no other place but our Shree Sarangpurdham. Millions of perturbed people and families from every corner of the world pay visit to this temple and they return home with peace rejoicing and chanting the name of Shri Hari. In short this place is not limited only to the devotees of the Sampradaya but it has become a place of faith for the people of all the class and creeds all over the world.
Many years ago, Shree Vagha Khachar of Sarangpur Darbar requested Yogiraj Shree Gopalanand Swami to remove all the miseries and unhappiness of the devotees. Saint Gopalanand Swami called Kahanji mason and asked him to make an idol-image of Shree Hanumanji as per the picture which he himself had made. On Aaso Vad 4 Vikram Samvat 1905 Sadguru Shuk Swami and Sadguru Shree Govindanand Swami performed aarti of invocation ceremony and Shree Gopalanand Swami looked at the idol of Shree Hanumanji and concentrated. Immediately the idol of Shree Hanumanji started emitting divine light, Hanumanji Himself came and the idol started shivering. Observing this Darbar Punjabhai of Dholera requested Shree Gopalanand Swami, on behalf of the devotees of Dholera who were present on the occasion, not to make the idol so powerful with divine powers otherwise no one would visit Dholera the nearby place of pilgrimage. Gopalanand Swami controlled the divine power and blessed the idol as well as the devotees stating that this idol would remove all the miseries and obstacles not only of the devotes of the Sampradaya but also of all the devout worshippers who pay the visit to the place.
Due to these powers of the idol image of Shree Hanumanji as granted by Gopalananand Swami that here thousands of devotees come to this place everyday and get rid of all the malicious and mysterious powers of evil spirits as well as sorcery. Sometimes a stick of Sadguru Shree Gopalanand Swami resolves the complicated cases. Beside the temple are situated the cart and the bed of Shree Hari in Sabha Mandap and if one chants the name of Shri Hari sitting beneath the cart, one experiences divine peace of mind.
In Sarangpur over and above this temple, there are other places of Prasadi like Darbargadh of Jiva Khachar, Ramji Chori, etc. Shree Hari has graced these places and has also celebrated many well known festivals like Rangotsav. There are also the facilities of lodging and staying in a huge Bhojanalaya in the temple premises and, therefore, all the visitors feel quite comfortable at the place. Medical camp, a permanent religious dispensary and also a cattle care camp are also arranged regularly at the place.