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Shreeji Maharaj Shree Mulji Brahmchari

Mulji Brahmchari means other name of service and simplicity. Who does not recognize Mulji Brahmchari in this Swaminarayan Sampradaya, who prepared the meals dear to Shreeji Maharaj throughout his life with faith and affection? Mulji Brahmchari was a Siddh yet a sevak man. His Yog-sadhana was unique. His Sadhana was that of worshipping no one else but Shreeji Maharaj. In all the three conditions, he had constant awareness of Shreeji Maharaj.

Childhood of Mulji Brahmchari, who followed Shreeji Maharaj like his shadow and prepared various dishes for the meals, was spent in a small village Machiav of Saurashtra. There is no reference in the history of Swaminarayan Sampradaya as to he accepted Saurashtra his Karma-Bhoomi and yet it is certain that Machiav was his Karma-Bhoomi. He had  robust body and jolly nature and therefore he had become unique sevak of Sadguru Shree Ramanand Swami. Mulji Brahmchari took Diksha from Sadguru Shree Ramanand Swami and served him till Shreeji Maharaj took over the charge of Gadi.

The idol of service- Mulji Brahmchari rendered his service to Shreeji Maharaj, as a devout servant from his taking the charge of Gadi till he returned from this worldly life to Akshardham. For his firmness of Brahmcharya and simplicity of mind Shreeji Maharaj had spread flowers of praise. Though Mulji was very innocent by nature, he could perceive the Bhava-opinion of Shreeji Maharaj’s heart. And therefore Shreeji Maharaj had stated, “This Mukund Brahmchari appears to be very simple and innocent and yet he knows very well our nature.”

Though he devoutly served Shreeji Maharaj with head and heart, yet when sometimes Maharaj tested his duty and devotion, he would accept it as a desire of Shree Hari. Once Shreeji Maharaj found that Vashram carpenter was oiling the footwears of Mulji Brahmchari. Immediately Maharaj stated that he would not accept someone as his devotee who gets services from others and that he should return to Gujarat. Following instructions of Shreeji Maharaj, Brahmchari returned to Gujarat and brought a basket of 30 k.g. mangoes on his head to Gadhpur and resumed his services to Maharaj. Thus he had earned happiness of Shreeji Maharaj and numerous saints. Therefore it is noted in ’Vachanamrit’, “The qualities as are found in the God are there in Mulji Brahmchari.

Thus innocent personality of Mulji Brahmchari, which had become a treasure of noble and divine qualities through his Sadhana in the form of service, has offered a noble example of saintly life.

Besides service of Shree Hari he has offered noteworthy and considerable service for the development of Satsang. As per the historical records last plaster work of Gopinathji temple of Gadhpur was got completed by Mulji Brahmchari.

Mulji Brahmchari offered his last  ‘Jay Shree Swaminarayan’ to the Acharya Maharaj and the saints in Jaljilni Samaiyaa in Samvat 1904. he stated that he had completed the work assigned to him by Shreeji Maharaj, went for the last Darshan of Akshar-room, took a posture of Siddhasana and passed away to Akshardham in eternal service to Shreeji Maharaj.