Sangh Parichay
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Gurukul Parichay
Sadguru Shree Mota Yoganand Swami

This saint and great personality, who is well known as a learned man and Guru of Kathis,  was born in Chaitra Sud Padva in Samvat 1841 in Galopar village of North Gujarat. Ranjitbhai was his father and Rupwatibai was his mother.

A question arose in his childhood as to when everything is available in life then why one cannot get God? To answer this question he started a pilgrimage and thereby renounced this worldly life. In search of supreme god he reached Kanbha village near Ahmedabad. The pious fame of Sahjanandji Maharaj had already sanctified his ears. But when he had Darshan of Shreeji Maharaj then he remained stunned in his tongue and mind with wide open eyes and the image of Maharaj entered into his heart. After completing his pilgrimage he followed the footsteps of Shreeji Maharaj whose feet make every place of pilgrimage it touches.  Observing his intense desire, curiosity and request Shreeji Maharaj gave him Diksha in Velal and he was named ‘Yoganand Swami’.

Due to saffron cloth, goddess Saraswati stayed on the tongue of Swamiji. He created Stutis worshipping the Almighty and presented them before Shreeji Maharaj. Maharaj identified his poetic power and sent him Dholka for further study of Sanskrit. As a result of this study, Swamiji started creating Stutis in Sanskrit. He created a Stotra describing the Tapomaya idol image roaming in the forest and Shreeji Maharaj was very much pleased. Once Swamiji saw Shree Hari clad in beautiful clothes in Gadhada and created a beautiful Stotra “*** (text in Sanskrit) and read over to Shreeji Maharaj. Maharaj was so happy to listen to the Stotra that he offered his shawl to Swamiji.

Swamiji has created two books in Sanksrit- ‘Buddha-Ranjani’ and ‘Prashnotar Sagar’. In the first book Swamiji has expanded the meaning of ‘Shreeji Maharaj’ and has tried to define it in different 34 meanings. In the second book there are 223 questions and their answers.

Alongwith great learning Swamiji had great power of oratory. And therefore Khachar, Khuman, Vala and many such Kathi Darbars had become Satsangi by accepting Vartman from the hands of Swamiji; and hence he became well known as Guru of Kathis. Thus being a guide for so many people Swamiji sat in Yogasana at Dhandhuka on Jeth Vad 4 Samvat 1902 and voluntarily left this worldly life. Vandana at the feet of Swamiji who is considered as one of the leading saints of Shree Swaminarayan Sampradaya.